The Clues

It looks like I was right, and I was wrong at the same time.

I was able to attend a brief press conference last week in Paris. It was held by Lord B’s lawyer. His words were that “everything was back to normal”. According to him, negotiations were proceeded as usual, like in other same cases. Moreover, concerning the hostage situation, all the “necessary steps” were being delegated to “prosecute the hostage takers in the country of the crime scene”. Finally, good news!

However, I dared ask the question that was on every lip: where the hell was Lord B? I supposed this was classified and that I would never have an answer. I was surprised.

“Lord B is sending greetings from the German Alps to all his supporters worldwide”.

Now, that was entertainment! The crowd went insane. The next questions were dedicated exclusively to the green parrot. Lord B wanted us to know that he has taken some retirement for now – contradicting the majority of my precedent interviews on the street. According to him, this was not sad news, but “an opportunity to break from habit and get things back on track”. I felt relieved.

After the press conference, I wondered about my investigation. Was it the end? It seemed Lord B did not want to be reached for now, the logical next thing to do. Did that mean I was off the case?

I chose to continue. After all I learned, I was bonded to tell his fans, followers and enemies that he was not a ghost from the past. Lord B will soon be on rails. And my, this will rock you.